My Journey of Life

My Journey of Life

Juliet Smith

GBP 15,90

Format: 13.5 x 21.5 cm
Number of Pages: 180
ISBN: 978-3-99131-526-1
Release Date: 28.03.2023


Chapter 1 - Introduction

My name is Juliet Smith. I am currently living in Wimbledon London. I am at the best point in my life to share my story with you about my life span and what has transpired within it for over the past 59 years of my existence on planet earth.

I was born at Hammersmith Hospital London on the 18t of July 1960 to my parents Darcy and Lois Smith who came to London to study with a scholarship from the British Council in Sierra Leone. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters – namely Daphne, Audrey, Victor and Francis. Francis was an outside child in the family as he was born to another woman with whom my dad was having an affair.

I am torn between two walls in my life as I lived in London until I was 3 years old after which time my parents took me with them back to Sierra Leone where they came from as my dad had to resume official duties after his studies.

In order for my parents to take up their role as a student and working to meet living costs, I was placed with foster parents – Mr and Mrs Rees where I stayed during the week and on Friday evenings my dad would pick me up to spend the weekend with him and mum. I was adjusting very well to this new way of life and getting more acquainted with my foster family, Susan and David.

This early stage of my life I would describe as good as I was exposed to the British culture. When I returned to Sierra Leone with my parents there was a lot of poverty. Food, shelter and clothing was hard to get as my mum who was a teacher in Sierra Leone was not paid a salary for several months and that caused a strain on our family finances.

I would remember the landlord coming and having to ask for the rent as we seemed to always be in arrears of paying. Food too was scarce, and we had little to feed ourselves with. I lived at home with my sister Audrey and brother Victor together with my mum and dad. Daphne the oldest stayed with my grandmother when my parents travelled to London in 1958 and had lived with her ever since. She did not return to mum and dad on their arrival back in Freetown and she continued living there until grandmother passed away in 2001.

I am an outgoing person, always taking the initiative and acting in a caring and positive manner, as I learnt from an early age to try to adapt to the changes that swept me very rapidly off my feet. Things were harder than anticipated – lack attached itself to me. I would go without the basic needs. I was struggling for survival for the things which everybody takes for granted. My dad was a very busy man and spent much of his time outside the house but unfortunately was not providing for us as a family which is a shame. I was always comparing myself with others, observing that I was very poor having very little or nothing as I was unable to get just the basic things that I needed in life.

This however, on my part, caused me to withdraw a lot. I felt shy and upset at times as my basic needs were not provided for me by my parents. This went on for almost all my life and I seemed to be very disturbed in my mind and spirit as I couldn’t cope with the problems life gave me.

Deep down in my heart I was hoping for a better life. Trusting that things would change for the better I lived in this condition until I was 28 years old. During the ages of 3 until 28 I was hoping that a miracle would come my way so that I would be able to return to London to gain a more prosperous life. When we returned to Freetown my foster parents sent a ticket for me to return to London, but my mum declined the offer even though she knew she was unable to care and provide for my basic needs and give me the love and support that was needed.

I attended the Tower Hill Municipal School, Freetown from classes 1 to class 7 and took the selective entrance examination for the Methodist Girls High School and passed. I was admitted to school in 1971. I would say I was an above average scholar at school wanting to learn and increase my knowledge of the outside world. Life is cruel. I used to cry my eyes out a lot in the night thinking that I would struggle to obtain a proper education, but my initiative was so good that I hardly ever lacked purpose in my life. I had lots of friends at school but was subjected to bullying by the much stronger boys.

My parents were strict, and I found it difficult to discuss any problems in my life for fear that it would have an adverse effect on my welfare.

I could not relate to my mother and had to seek advice from others in my surroundings. Even at age 13, when my menstruation started, I had to manage the feelings alone with no one to approach to assist me into how I should be managing myself monthly when these sensations began. My mum was very distant in my life. Not someone I could discuss issues with. She made sure she was always at arm’s length when it came to dealing with my problems or anything that might disturb me. I felt lonely and I always felt discriminated against as my brother Victor took all the attention from her. She loved my brother Victor more than all the girls. Audrey and myself were always supportive of him – whenever Victor did something wrong mum never disciplined him but as soon as I did anything wrong, she would get upset and physically beat me with a stick. This was the idea of family life I grew up in – I loved my brother Victor but the role my mother played between us was unacceptable as she sided with Victor if there was a problem between us.

When I was naughty my mum would keep me into a dark room. I hate the dark.

Chapter 2 - Family Situation

There was always rivalry and jealousy between my siblings especially my sister Audrey and me. She thought I was doing better than her in life and stabbed me in the back and said all sorts of unkind things about me to others. I was made to be aware of her actions and take precautionary measures. It was not an easy road considering that I was older than her, but I had to be made aware of her bad mouthing to others about me and my relationships with others.

Audrey is the sister I am always careful of as she out of jealousy and malice seems to think that I am doing well in life. Only God keeps me going and providing for my needs. I have no one to relate to other than my heavenly father, when I am in need I pray and ask the good Lord to supply all my needs and God has been supplying my needs through his people. So, although I am faced with bad traits like these from people, I tend to try to caution myself and move away from the situation because there is more to life than just that.

Growing up has not been easy for me with lots of challenges that I face as I live. Audrey steals my relationships and makes sure she has sex with them. There was a guy called Cecil Dull I was dating in my school for a while. Audrey then later took over the relationship, one thing led to another and all I know is that she was planning to get married to him but what happened only God knows. It never materialised and Audrey is my sister – things have changed on the long-rugged road that we have travelled in our quest for satisfaction, but I learned at an early age to forgive and let God fight my battles for me. It is not easy considering that it is my own flesh and blood who is doing this evil to me but as the Lord’s prayer says ‘forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us’.

I have learnt to let God have his own way in my life and have learned to put the past back in my mind and not bear a grudge or feelings of resentment towards others who offend me. I have learned that in life people may tread on my big toe, but I should be quick and willing to forgive and ask God to have pity upon us all. I had a long-term partner by the name of Osborne Marke. Audrey had sex with him in her house and tended to be very rude to me when approached about this. Osborne was one of my partners, a very selfish and dominating gentleman. He treated me very badly and was always shouting. I ended the relationship when I had had enough of his behaviour and his insensitivity towards to me. He was always bringing me down, talking down to me and making me feel inferior towards him. He never ever loved me; he was using me for his own personal gain. When I realised what his motives were, I ended the relationship. He still wanted to come back to me, but I refused saying the experience I had with him was unfavourable and no way could I go back again with him.

I always gave my best in love to the person I felt attracted to, but it always turned sour. They just used my kind nature and calmness to take advantage of me. I am caring, kind and calm and can become very much attracted in love to someone who I love This was the case for a gentleman called Samue Stronge, my schooldays boyfriend with whom I ended up having a child by the name of Jenner Stronge.

It is a shame that things didn’t end up well between us in our relationship because when Jenner was 3 years old, I came back to live in London. I actually met Samue whilst I was still living in Freetown and we got to know each other well and I was hoping that one day we would get married as he was my ideal partner. I trusted him very much and was badly in love with him but unfortunately he was refused entry to London and had to be sent back to Freetown. Shortly after he went, I got news that he had married another woman – this broke my heart. I was truly hoping that he would wait for the application process to go ahead and try to get another ticket to make the journey to London so that we could live as a family and have some more kids together. Samue’s family accepted me and was supportive to me and to Jenner at all times.

Relationships with the opposite sex have been on a roller coaster basis. Nothing concrete, only fairy tale syndrome. While I was living in Sierra Leone, I made lots of friends and got to know lots of people. Victor was fortunate to have a scholarship to Norway, after which he was to come to London to study accountancy so he told me not to worry but to be patient so that when he came to London he would send me a one-way ticket to come back to live in London.

This he did on 7th July 1988. I travelled back to London to live and left Jenner, who was 3 years old at the time, with his dad Samue and hoping that they both would join me later. So, one summer when mum was coming to spend a holiday with us I asked her to kindly bring Jenner with her. She agreed and I sent him a ticket and he came to live with me in London.

Six years ago, I fell in love again. This time to Gersham Compaguire Coker. The man of my dream. We are still going out although he does not live in London, yet he is there for me when I need his wise counsel and advice. We are hoping to get married soon and will be able to live together in the same country. He is passionate about life and is a true Christian, a God-fearing man who is after God’s own heart. I love him to bits. He is a friend of the family, we met through his friend Olu Williams who suggested to him that he should consider dating me which he pursued ever since and we have been getting on well.

Chapter 3 - Living in Sierra Leone

I lived in Sierra Leone with my parents and siblings from ages 3 to 28 years when I came back to live in London. I went to school in Sierra Leone and joined a church fellowship called Bethel Temple with my mum. I was a member of the youth group which meets on Sundays at 5.30pm to 7.00pm in the church called Christ Ambassador. I was very much involved in this groups although I did not actually accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and saviour until I was 16 years old.

It all happened one day in church during the evening service which starts at 7.00pm. A film was shown called ‘Thief in the night’. I was moved to tears and fear swept through me like nobody’s business. I was thinking to myself, ‘If Christ should come this very moment, I will not make it to heaven even though I have been very faithful in my church attendance but I have never invited Jesus into my heart as my Lord and saviour.’ After the film, Pastor Jones called an altar call for those who would like to accept Christ to go forward to the altar. I was so thrilled to move forward with others who had the same connections and surrendered my life to Christ. It was a moving experience for me at the time. I felt so much joy and peace in my heart and thought to myself, ‘Well I am saved and will be happy to go up in the sky to meet the Lord in the air,’ if Jesus would have come at that precise moment.

I had lots of friends in my youth group, and we met every Sunday afternoon at 1pm at the Connaught Hospital for hospital ministry. A commitment I always long to be a part of. I believe God has blessed me with healing and whenever I pray for the sick, I always witness a sense of positive vibe flowing through my body and see miracles being performed. The sick have been healed and deliverance flowed into the hearts of God’s people.

I would join the group at the hospital for the ministration of the Gospel in the church where we sang religious songs, mainly choruses, and read the Bible. After that a short talk given by one of the members of the group and we then move from bed to bed praying for the sick to be made whole through the power of God.

Shortly after I was converted, I was blessed with the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. A blessing to cherish until this day. Then the next baptism by immersion, I was able to go through that process as well.

So being filled with the Holy Spirit equipped me for the proclamation of the Gospel and I was also able to see lots of signs and wonders being performed by my ministry. The sick were healed, the lame walked, the blind saw and a whole lot of miracles took place under the power of intervention from the Holy Spirit.

I have always had a soft spot in my life. Always been very moved to tears and sadness when things do not seem to go as expected but I had faith in the Lord and trusted Him all along the way for his provision and care upon my life and that of my family.

God has been gracious to me, pleasure in mercy doing wonder in my life. I can recall very clearly the fact that I witnessed a miracle in my life while I was preparing my garments for a crusade in 1970 at the stadium. I mistakenly swallowed a needle I was using to mend my clothes that I wanted to wear. I went to the crusade and told the authorities about what had happened. They prayed for me and afterwards I came home. But I was still bearing pain in my throat so I told my mum who took me to hospital but when I was X rayed the film did not show any needle in my body so the doctor prescribed medicines which I was took and said I may have passed it in my faeces as there was no sign of the needle in my body. I give God the glory for his deliverance and healing.

I knew from an early age in my life that God who created me loved me so much that he gave his one and only son to die for my sins. It cannot get any better than that, only faith and belief in the Lord Jesus Christ keeps me going in life, as all things are possible to those who believe. Even though I felt distant from my mum, yet the Father’s love surrounded me and is still with me even to this day. Nothing I can do in this life will repay God for his tender mercies and goodness towards me. He adopted me into his family, and I am loved by God who is my creator and the redeemer of my soul.

My mission in life is not complete until I accept his full forgiveness for my sins and that of those who hurt me painfully. God cares for my needs; he satisfies and every need he supplies. He is the reason I live. No other way to heaven except through his son Jesus Christ. I have accepted his love in my heart, and I am truly saved by the power of his spirit which guides and directs my faith. I tend to be withdrawn when I face challenges in my life, but the light of God keeps shining within me and the spirit has always been faithful to me, cheering me on and enabling me to take necessary action in prayer and praise to a God who meets my every need. I try to motivate myself in those challenging situations that I face because problems can be suffered and God wants my attention more than anything else, so when I am faced with difficulty, I pray a lot and fast at certain times according to the lead of God’s Holy Spirit in my life and God has been coming through for me through answered prayers. It is not an easy road but with Christ in the vessel I am always smiling at the storm. The flavour of life is raging high, but God is greater than the power of hell. He knows what I can endure, and he has been giving me grace to follow him daily. I like to pray a lot because when I pray God answers. His promises for me are sure and he likes it when I kneel in prayer with my request. God has done it in times past and will certainly do it again for me also and in the future if I keep on trusting in him and always pray to him.

Chapter 1 - Introduction

My name is Juliet Smith. I am currently living in Wimbledon London. I am at the best point in my life to share my story with you about my life span and what has transpired within it for over the past 59 years of my existence on planet earth.

I was born at Hammersmith Hospital London on the 18t of July 1960 to my parents Darcy and Lois Smith who came to London to study with a scholarship from the British Council in Sierra Leone. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters – namely Daphne, Audrey, Victor and Francis. Francis was an outside child in the family as he was born to another woman with whom my dad was having an affair.

I am torn between two walls in my life as I lived in London until I was 3 years old after which time my parents took me with them back to Sierra Leone where they came from as my dad had to resume official duties after his studies.

In order for my parents to take up their role as a student and working to meet living costs, I was placed with foster parents – Mr and Mrs Rees where I stayed during the week and on Friday evenings my dad would pick me up to spend the weekend with him and mum. I was adjusting very well to this new way of life and getting more acquainted with my foster family, Susan and David.

This early stage of my life I would describe as good as I was exposed to the British culture. When I returned to Sierra Leone with my parents there was a lot of poverty. Food, shelter and clothing was hard to get as my mum who was a teacher in Sierra Leone was not paid a salary for several months and that caused a strain on our family finances.

I would remember the landlord coming and having to ask for the rent as we seemed to always be in arrears of paying. Food too was scarce, and we had little to feed ourselves with. I lived at home with my sister Audrey and brother Victor together with my mum and dad. Daphne the oldest stayed with my grandmother when my parents travelled to London in 1958 and had lived with her ever since. She did not return to mum and dad on their arrival back in Freetown and she continued living there until grandmother passed away in 2001.

I am an outgoing person, always taking the initiative and acting in a caring and positive manner, as I learnt from an early age to try to adapt to the changes that swept me very rapidly off my feet. Things were harder than anticipated – lack attached itself to me. I would go without the basic needs. I was struggling for survival for the things which everybody takes for granted. My dad was a very busy man and spent much of his time outside the house but unfortunately was not providing for us as a family which is a shame. I was always comparing myself with others, observing that I was very poor having very little or nothing as I was unable to get just the basic things that I needed in life.

This however, on my part, caused me to withdraw a lot. I felt shy and upset at times as my basic needs were not provided for me by my parents. This went on for almost all my life and I seemed to be very disturbed in my mind and spirit as I couldn’t cope with the problems life gave me.

Deep down in my heart I was hoping for a better life. Trusting that things would change for the better I lived in this condition until I was 28 years old. During the ages of 3 until 28 I was hoping that a miracle would come my way so that I would be able to return to London to gain a more prosperous life. When we returned to Freetown my foster parents sent a ticket for me to return to London, but my mum declined the offer even though she knew she was unable to care and provide for my basic needs and give me the love and support that was needed.

I attended the Tower Hill Municipal School, Freetown from classes 1 to class 7 and took the selective entrance examination for the Methodist Girls High School and passed. I was admitted to school in 1971. I would say I was an above average scholar at school wanting to learn and increase my knowledge of the outside world. Life is cruel. I used to cry my eyes out a lot in the night thinking that I would struggle to obtain a proper education, but my initiative was so good that I hardly ever lacked purpose in my life. I had lots of friends at school but was subjected to bullying by the much stronger boys.

My parents were strict, and I found it difficult to discuss any problems in my life for fear that it would have an adverse effect on my welfare.

I could not relate to my mother and had to seek advice from others in my surroundings. Even at age 13, when my menstruation started, I had to manage the feelings alone with no one to approach to assist me into how I should be managing myself monthly when these sensations began. My mum was very distant in my life. Not someone I could discuss issues with. She made sure she was always at arm’s length when it came to dealing with my problems or anything that might disturb me. I felt lonely and I always felt discriminated against as my brother Victor took all the attention from her. She loved my brother Victor more than all the girls. Audrey and myself were always supportive of him – whenever Victor did something wrong mum never disciplined him but as soon as I did anything wrong, she would get upset and physically beat me with a stick. This was the idea of family life I grew up in – I loved my brother Victor but the role my mother played between us was unacceptable as she sided with Victor if there was a problem between us.

When I was naughty my mum would keep me into a dark room. I hate the dark.

Chapter 2 - Family Situation

There was always rivalry and jealousy between my siblings especially my sister Audrey and me. She thought I was doing better than her in life and stabbed me in the back and said all sorts of unkind things about me to others. I was made to be aware of her actions and take precautionary measures. It was not an easy road considering that I was older than her, but I had to be made aware of her bad mouthing to others about me and my relationships with others.

Audrey is the sister I am always careful of as she out of jealousy and malice seems to think that I am doing well in life. Only God keeps me going and providing for my needs. I have no one to relate to other than my heavenly father, when I am in need I pray and ask the good Lord to supply all my needs and God has been supplying my needs through his people. So, although I am faced with bad traits like these from people, I tend to try to caution myself and move away from the situation because there is more to life than just that.

Growing up has not been easy for me with lots of challenges that I face as I live. Audrey steals my relationships and makes sure she has sex with them. There was a guy called Cecil Dull I was dating in my school for a while. Audrey then later took over the relationship, one thing led to another and all I know is that she was planning to get married to him but what happened only God knows. It never materialised and Audrey is my sister – things have changed on the long-rugged road that we have travelled in our quest for satisfaction, but I learned at an early age to forgive and let God fight my battles for me. It is not easy considering that it is my own flesh and blood who is doing this evil to me but as the Lord’s prayer says ‘forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us’.

I have learnt to let God have his own way in my life and have learned to put the past back in my mind and not bear a grudge or feelings of resentment towards others who offend me. I have learned that in life people may tread on my big toe, but I should be quick and willing to forgive and ask God to have pity upon us all. I had a long-term partner by the name of Osborne Marke. Audrey had sex with him in her house and tended to be very rude to me when approached about this. Osborne was one of my partners, a very selfish and dominating gentleman. He treated me very badly and was always shouting. I ended the relationship when I had had enough of his behaviour and his insensitivity towards to me. He was always bringing me down, talking down to me and making me feel inferior towards him. He never ever loved me; he was using me for his own personal gain. When I realised what his motives were, I ended the relationship. He still wanted to come back to me, but I refused saying the experience I had with him was unfavourable and no way could I go back again with him.

I always gave my best in love to the person I felt attracted to, but it always turned sour. They just used my kind nature and calmness to take advantage of me. I am caring, kind and calm and can become very much attracted in love to someone who I love This was the case for a gentleman called Samue Stronge, my schooldays boyfriend with whom I ended up having a child by the name of Jenner Stronge.

It is a shame that things didn’t end up well between us in our relationship because when Jenner was 3 years old, I came back to live in London. I actually met Samue whilst I was still living in Freetown and we got to know each other well and I was hoping that one day we would get married as he was my ideal partner. I trusted him very much and was badly in love with him but unfortunately he was refused entry to London and had to be sent back to Freetown. Shortly after he went, I got news that he had married another woman – this broke my heart. I was truly hoping that he would wait for the application process to go ahead and try to get another ticket to make the journey to London so that we could live as a family and have some more kids together. Samue’s family accepted me and was supportive to me and to Jenner at all times.

Relationships with the opposite sex have been on a roller coaster basis. Nothing concrete, only fairy tale syndrome. While I was living in Sierra Leone, I made lots of friends and got to know lots of people. Victor was fortunate to have a scholarship to Norway, after which he was to come to London to study accountancy so he told me not to worry but to be patient so that when he came to London he would send me a one-way ticket to come back to live in London.

This he did on 7th July 1988. I travelled back to London to live and left Jenner, who was 3 years old at the time, with his dad Samue and hoping that they both would join me later. So, one summer when mum was coming to spend a holiday with us I asked her to kindly bring Jenner with her. She agreed and I sent him a ticket and he came to live with me in London.

Six years ago, I fell in love again. This time to Gersham Compaguire Coker. The man of my dream. We are still going out although he does not live in London, yet he is there for me when I need his wise counsel and advice. We are hoping to get married soon and will be able to live together in the same country. He is passionate about life and is a true Christian, a God-fearing man who is after God’s own heart. I love him to bits. He is a friend of the family, we met through his friend Olu Williams who suggested to him that he should consider dating me which he pursued ever since and we have been getting on well.

Chapter 3 - Living in Sierra Leone

I lived in Sierra Leone with my parents and siblings from ages 3 to 28 years when I came back to live in London. I went to school in Sierra Leone and joined a church fellowship called Bethel Temple with my mum. I was a member of the youth group which meets on Sundays at 5.30pm to 7.00pm in the church called Christ Ambassador. I was very much involved in this groups although I did not actually accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and saviour until I was 16 years old.

It all happened one day in church during the evening service which starts at 7.00pm. A film was shown called ‘Thief in the night’. I was moved to tears and fear swept through me like nobody’s business. I was thinking to myself, ‘If Christ should come this very moment, I will not make it to heaven even though I have been very faithful in my church attendance but I have never invited Jesus into my heart as my Lord and saviour.’ After the film, Pastor Jones called an altar call for those who would like to accept Christ to go forward to the altar. I was so thrilled to move forward with others who had the same connections and surrendered my life to Christ. It was a moving experience for me at the time. I felt so much joy and peace in my heart and thought to myself, ‘Well I am saved and will be happy to go up in the sky to meet the Lord in the air,’ if Jesus would have come at that precise moment.

I had lots of friends in my youth group, and we met every Sunday afternoon at 1pm at the Connaught Hospital for hospital ministry. A commitment I always long to be a part of. I believe God has blessed me with healing and whenever I pray for the sick, I always witness a sense of positive vibe flowing through my body and see miracles being performed. The sick have been healed and deliverance flowed into the hearts of God’s people.

I would join the group at the hospital for the ministration of the Gospel in the church where we sang religious songs, mainly choruses, and read the Bible. After that a short talk given by one of the members of the group and we then move from bed to bed praying for the sick to be made whole through the power of God.

Shortly after I was converted, I was blessed with the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. A blessing to cherish until this day. Then the next baptism by immersion, I was able to go through that process as well.

So being filled with the Holy Spirit equipped me for the proclamation of the Gospel and I was also able to see lots of signs and wonders being performed by my ministry. The sick were healed, the lame walked, the blind saw and a whole lot of miracles took place under the power of intervention from the Holy Spirit.

I have always had a soft spot in my life. Always been very moved to tears and sadness when things do not seem to go as expected but I had faith in the Lord and trusted Him all along the way for his provision and care upon my life and that of my family.

God has been gracious to me, pleasure in mercy doing wonder in my life. I can recall very clearly the fact that I witnessed a miracle in my life while I was preparing my garments for a crusade in 1970 at the stadium. I mistakenly swallowed a needle I was using to mend my clothes that I wanted to wear. I went to the crusade and told the authorities about what had happened. They prayed for me and afterwards I came home. But I was still bearing pain in my throat so I told my mum who took me to hospital but when I was X rayed the film did not show any needle in my body so the doctor prescribed medicines which I was took and said I may have passed it in my faeces as there was no sign of the needle in my body. I give God the glory for his deliverance and healing.

I knew from an early age in my life that God who created me loved me so much that he gave his one and only son to die for my sins. It cannot get any better than that, only faith and belief in the Lord Jesus Christ keeps me going in life, as all things are possible to those who believe. Even though I felt distant from my mum, yet the Father’s love surrounded me and is still with me even to this day. Nothing I can do in this life will repay God for his tender mercies and goodness towards me. He adopted me into his family, and I am loved by God who is my creator and the redeemer of my soul.

My mission in life is not complete until I accept his full forgiveness for my sins and that of those who hurt me painfully. God cares for my needs; he satisfies and every need he supplies. He is the reason I live. No other way to heaven except through his son Jesus Christ. I have accepted his love in my heart, and I am truly saved by the power of his spirit which guides and directs my faith. I tend to be withdrawn when I face challenges in my life, but the light of God keeps shining within me and the spirit has always been faithful to me, cheering me on and enabling me to take necessary action in prayer and praise to a God who meets my every need. I try to motivate myself in those challenging situations that I face because problems can be suffered and God wants my attention more than anything else, so when I am faced with difficulty, I pray a lot and fast at certain times according to the lead of God’s Holy Spirit in my life and God has been coming through for me through answered prayers. It is not an easy road but with Christ in the vessel I am always smiling at the storm. The flavour of life is raging high, but God is greater than the power of hell. He knows what I can endure, and he has been giving me grace to follow him daily. I like to pray a lot because when I pray God answers. His promises for me are sure and he likes it when I kneel in prayer with my request. God has done it in times past and will certainly do it again for me also and in the future if I keep on trusting in him and always pray to him.
1 Stars
Nothing about her family is true especially her sister Audrey.  - 09.04.2023

Full of lies.

5 Stars
Excellent read  - 01.04.2023

Keep up with your faith sis The Lord is always by your side he will never leave you nor forsake you IJN

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